

What is high-speed?
Below is a list of excellent high-speed resources that will give you an in-depth explanation of high-speed filming and photography.

High-speed/slow motion, definition and history.
High speed photography
High Speed Photography 101

The links section of our site is also a good place to go for more information.

In short, it is the process by which thousands of images per second are recorded. Television is 29.97 frames per second, film is 24 fps. Capturing this many frames per second allows us to view things with a clarity impossible to the human eye.

What is it used for?
High-speed imaging is used in several applications.

Broadcast Television and Commercials
Sports Analysis
Factory/Manufacturing line observation and troubleshooting
Ballistics and Range applications
Rocket Science :)
Scientific analysis

What could it be used for?
In a word, anything. Just perusing through the movies on this site will give you endless ideas for the applications and uses of high-speed filming.

What does it cost?
Like any new technology with a perceived niche market, high-speed cameras are expensive. The cost ranges from roughly $5,000 to well over $100,000.

NOTE: Fuji HS10 camera only cost $500 but the quality is not even near from those very expensive cameras, the next level for high speed cameras are the Casio Exilim.